Quite often when I was growing up my family would sit around the kitchen table on Saturday evening and play a board game. One of my favourites was Rummoli (which I’ve since discovered originated in Canada – just a bit of trivia for those enquiring minds who want to know).
I was generally pretty good at the game but sadly not a gracious winner. One particular fateful evening stands out in my mind...
I’ve just won the entire game; I’m standing in front of my chair at the end of the table. I’m taking great pride in my victory; gloating and lording it over my older sister.
It’s not a good idea to tick off your older sister. With one push she sends me (in mid-gloat), and the chair behind me, careening backwards through the glass doors of our china cabinet. There's a very large crash...then dead silence.
Things are a little fuzzy after that. They say you tend to blank out traumatic events. I don’t think Mom and Dad were all smiles about the incident.
In my sister’s defense...I was taking great glee in throwing my victory in her face and I probably needed a reality check. (And by the way today we are best of friends and I love her dearly.)
But I digress...back to the fudge...
It was tradition that the loser of the Saturday night game had to make fudge. This easy five minute recipe was generally the one of choice. It didn't take long to make, cooled quickly (so you could indulge before bed), and never failed.
I can’t remember if we ever got fudge the evening of the china cabinet incident. I do still have the china cabinet though...complete with new glass doors. :)
Share your family “incidents” or traditions by clicking on “comments” below.
2 tbsp. butter
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 2/3 cups white sugar
½ tsp. salt
2 cups mini-marshmallows
1 ½ cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tsp. vanilla
½ cup chopped nuts (optional)
Yes, not one of my prouder moments. The aftermath of that incident is mercifully blurred in my mind, too, but I do remember paying for the replacement glass. And the fudge is unforgettable! :-)
Funny how neither one of us remember the follow up conversation! The fudge is way too good! I've been snarfing it down like crazy!
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