Thursday, October 31, 2013

Life Lessons From Running

Last weekend I accomplished my running goal for 2013. 

I ran a timed 10 km race.  I wasn’t first, but
I wasn’t last, and I passed a few people along the way, so all in all I was pleased with my accomplishment.

When I started running two years ago I couldn’t even run four minutes in a stretch. 
It’s been a lengthy training and strengthening process and I’ve learned a few useful tidbits on the journey. 
Here are some lessons gleaned from the last two years.

1.      Endurance is key, not speed - keep a slow steady pace

2.      When you think you can’t go any further…you can

3.      There are things to be thankful for even in the midst of pain

4.      To get your mind off your struggles, talk to God

5.      Set incremental goals

6.      Celebrate small achievements

7.      Psychological discouragement will come – plan in advance how to defeat it

8.      Positive thoughts energize, negative thoughts sap strength 

9.      Perseverance in the midst of trials will get you to the finish line

10.  Have a strategy for long term success – if you don’t have a plan you’ll never reach the goal

11.  Make time for what’s important.  Don’t compromise that time.

12.  Achieving a goal takes discipline.  Keep showing up, even when you don’t want to

13.  When you have a problem, don’t blame outside influences, do a self-assessment and see if the problem starts with you.

14.  Cheer people on, it keeps them going

15.  When you’re 3 km from home, in desperate need of a bathroom, and your muscles don’t want to work anymore, don’t quit.  The fastest way to the bathroom is to keeping running.

I’m not sure if that last one is particularly helpful, but it’s certainly true!

I’ve expanded on some of these lessons over the last two years in earlier posts.  You can find them under "Running" in the archive or by following these links:
Are there lessons on this list you can apply in your life?  Please share your thoughts by clicking on comments below.

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