Sunday, November 10, 2013


This is Remembrance Day weekend. 

It’s true we all look forward to a long weekend, but let’s not forget to pause to remember the reason behind Remembrance Day.

On Monday, November 11, pause to think about the men and women who have lost their lives, and those still fighting to protect freedom and justice.

I live in Canada, a country where the people and landscape is diverse as the temperature. 

We are free.  Free to choose our government.  Free to choose our religion.  Free to work.  Free to pursue education.  Free to enjoy leisure time.  Free to participate in sports.  Free to drive a vehicle.  Free to choose our lifestyle. 

Our list of freedoms is extensive.
Other countries don’t have this luxury.

Recently Pastor Charles Mathole, a Pastor in the Redeemed Gospel Church in Mombasa, Kenya, was murdered while he prayed in the sanctuary of his church.

Southwood United Church, a church in Calgary, partners with the Mombasa church and Pastor Charles to sponsor the Bridge Africa Trade School.  This is a school for at risk girls to  learn to sew and operate a business so they don't become victims of the sex trade.

A number of people from Southwood traveled to Mombasa a year ago to meet with Pastor Charles and celebrate the graduation of the first group of girls from the school.

I know many people’s hearts ache for the loss of this Godly man.  Prior to the murder, Pastor Charles received death threats, but continued to do God's work.  One of Pastor Charles' close friends writes on her Facebook page, “THEY WILL SILENCE MY VOICE BUT NOT MY SOUL”.

This is what our Canadian forces fight against every day.  They fight fear mongers and those who have no respect for life.  They fight against injustice and oppression.  They fight those who would silence voices of equality and compassion.

Our troops do a job few of us have the courage or stomach to face.  This weekend we honour them.  Let us never forget or cease to appreciation the freedoms we enjoy in Canada.

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