Friday, September 27, 2013

How Great We Are

When you have a huge win or achieve something great do you take all the credit?  Do you share it with co-workers and friends involved in the project?

What about God?  Do you share the credit with Him?  Do you thank Him for making the achievement happen?

It’s great to celebrate accomplishments.  But let’s keep things in perspective.

There’s a story in the book of Daniel about King Nebuchadnezzar.  He’s a great king but he lets the power and glory of running the kingdom of Babylon go to his head.

God, seeing this happen, sends a warning to the king in the form of a dream.  Daniel, a man of God, interprets the dream for the king.  The message to the king is to humble himself, or have it done for him.

In Daniel 4:28-30 we see that King Nebuchadnezzar chooses to ignore this warning. 

“…Just twelve months later, he was walking on the balcony of the royal palace in Babylon and boasted, “Look at this, Babylon the great!  And I built it all by myself, a royal palace adequate to display my honor and glory!”  Daniel 4:28-30 (The Message)

Wrong thing to say!

King Nebuchadnezzar loses his grip on reality, is driven out of human company, and forced to eat grass in the wilderness like a wild animal.  Quite a come down for a great and mighty king!

God doesn’t forget Nebuchadnezzar, though.  Seven years later the king’s mind is restored.  Now Nebuchadnezzar has a choice…will he be angry with God and curse Him for ripping his kingdom away…or…will he learn from this experience and humble himself?

Nebuchadnezzar may be proud, but he’s not stupid!  He chooses to use this as a lesson to grow as a person and grow in faith.

“…I was given my mind back and I blessed the High God, thanking and glorifying God, who lives forever.  His sovereign rule lasts and lasts, his kingdom never declines and falls.  Life on this earth doesn’t add up to much, but God’s heavenly army keeps everything going.  No one can interrupt his work, no one can call his rule into question.” 
Daniel 4:34-35  (The Message)
At the end of the chapter Nebuchadnezzar is restored as king over Babylon.  He becomes more powerful than ever before, but instead of being filled with pride and conceit he assumes a spirit of humility, praising God, rather than himself.

Have you had to overcome pride in your life?  Share your thoughts by clicking on “comments” below.

Are you riding a wave of success?  Maybe it’s time for an attitude check to ensure pride doesn’t sneak up on you.

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