Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thirty Second God Hits

Are you facing a stressful day?  We all have times when life is overwhelming and we don’t have the energy to make it through the day. 

Recently I injured my foot in a car accident when I tried to put the brake pedal through the floor boards in a futile attempt to avoid hitting a vehicle making a left hand turn in front of me.

My physiotherapist banned me from my running routine until my foot could heal.  After four weeks of inactivity I finally got the green light to start running again.

Following instructions to start off slowly I set the treadmill for 15 minutes.  It was great to be running!  I was excited.  I was energized.  I was pumped…for the first five minutes!

That’s when the lack of physical activity from the last four weeks kicked in.  I was gasping worse than an asthmatic in a forest fire!  There was no way I was going to make the fifteen minute mark!

The internal self-talk started.  Actually it was more of a “self-argument”.

“You can’t do it, there’s no way you’re going to make it.  There’s ten minutes left and you can’t breathe! 

“That’s ridiculous.  Of course I can make it.  I’ve done this before, heck I was running twice this distance before the accident.”

“Must slow down.  Not going to make it.”

“Have to make it.  I’ll never get back in shape if I don’t push myself.”

And then it happened.  The “Blog Thought”!  “If I can just make it to 15 minutes this would be a great example for a blog post.  If I don’t make it I’ve got nothing to write about.  (That’s right.  In the twisted minds of writers no life experience is exempt from becoming “blog fodder”.)

So I knew I had to continue, but how?  By breaking it down into minuscule goals. 

I couldn’t run for another ten minutes, but I could run for 30 seconds.  The timer ticked away…27, 28, 29, 30.  OK just run for another 30 seconds…29, 30…did it!  OK another 30!

Thirty seconds isn’t a lot but it was an achievable goal and I experienced baby step wins on the way to reaching my 15 minute goal.

Do you see the parallel between 30 second running goals and taking baby steps in the times when you can’t see what’s ahead in life? 
The times when you’re scared about the future
  • When you face a broken marriage or the loss of a parent
  • When you lose a job and don’t know how to start the hunt for a new one 
  • When you’re so sick from the chemotherapy treatments you can’t raise your head off the pillow
  • When you’re trying to help your child beat an addiction
Sometimes all you can do is cry out to God and ask for strength for the next 30 seconds, and the next, and the next.  God is faithful to give it to you.   

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)

I did run my fifteen minutes that day and you can conquer 30 second segments in your life, too.  Remember 30 seconds adds up to 24 hours, then 48, then 72, then a week, a month, and a year. 

With each 30 seconds God imparts a little more of His gifts of grace and love.

Do you need a 30 second fix from God right now?  Cry out to Him in prayer.  He’s there for you always and He’ll respond with His incredible power and grace.


What’s the greatest challenge you’re facing in your life right now?  Where can you use a 30 second gift from God?  Share your thoughts by clicking on “comments” below.

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