“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned – every one – to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
In last week’s post, “No Ordinary Super Hero” we focused on verse 5 in chapter 53 of Isaiah. This reminds us Jesus died so we can live in the presence of God as a forgiven people. Verse 6 reinforces this thought.
We’ve all messed up. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, things I regret, things that hurt others along the way, but because Jesus voluntarily died on the cross, and was resurrected, the events I’m ashamed of are now in my past. I’ve confessed them and am humbled by, and grateful for, the forgiveness I’ve been granted.
Unlike human relationships God doesn’t keep throwing your past in your face. You confess, repent (stop doing what you’re doing and change your way of living), and you’re forgiven. It’s done. It’s over. It’s gone.
Not convinced? In Psalm 103:12 David says, “as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.” Think about it…how far is the east from the west?
Do east and west ever meet? No, at any given point, east and west always exist in opposing directions, so God forgives our mistakes, never bringing them back to haunt us.
If Jesus is the mechanism through which our sins are forgiven, and God doesn’t keep regurgitating them, why do feelings of guilt continually plague us like the incessant throbbing of an abscessed tooth?
In his books, “The Prodigal God” and “The Reason for God…Believing in an Age of Skepticism” Timothy Keller points to the concept of “being your own Saviour”. He states if you’re trying to earn God’s love by living the perfect life you are, in essence, trying to be your own Saviour. You try to justify yourself in the eyes of God by your goodness and ignore the concept of grace.
Do you try to live up to an impossible standard of perfection in an attempt to earn God’s love? Are you falling short of that standard and feeling you’re not worthy of forgiveness? Are you trying to be your own Saviour?
Today’s scripture tells us we’re all like sheep that wander away from the flock. Not one of us is perfect. We all have flaws and at some point in time we’ve all made a mess of our lives or someone else’s.
The scripture reassures us though that Jesus died for each one of us. He took the burden of your personal mistakes on Himself. Don’t buy into the belief that you’re not good enough for forgiveness. You don’t need to be your own Saviour. Through His death and resurrection Jesus is your Saviour.
Are you tired of living as a slave to guilt and shame? Maybe it’s time to get to know Jesus? If so pray this prayer today.
Heavenly Father, I know I’ve messed up my life. I know I’ve made mistakes and I’m carrying guilt and shame because of it. I believe Jesus, your son, died on the cross and rose again so that I can be set free from this burden. Please forgive me for my past mistakes and remove this heaviness as far as the east is from the west. Help me begin to live a new life conscious of your guiding presence. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
If you’ve prayed this prayer you’ve taken the first step to living a forgiven life. If you’re looking for more resources, Insight for Living has a helpful web page to assist you in taking the next step in your journey with God. Follow this link http://www.insight.org/library/articles/how-to-know-god/relationship-with-god.html?t=How_to_Know_God
Do you have stories of finding forgiveness in your life? Share your thoughts by clicking on “comments” below.
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned – every one – to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
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