“Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. There will always be some in the land who are poor. That is why I am commanding you to share freely with the poor and with other Israelites (people) in need.” Deuteronomy 15:10-11
Recently I’ve been reading the book of Deuteronomy. The Message calls this book, “the longest sermon in the Bible and maybe the longest sermon ever.” (And you thought you’d sat through the longest sermon right in your home church! J)
This is Moses’ last sermon. It’s his final instructions to the Israelite community before he dies. He longs for the community to follow God, but he realizes they’re distracted from good intentions as quickly as a squirrel chases after a nut, so he speaks carefully, breaking his dissertation into three topics:
1. He reviews the entire events of the Israelites’ journey since they left Egypt. He focuses on “landmark” moments, highlighting God’s leadership, protection, and provision throughout the time they’ve been in the wilderness.
2. He reminds them of the laws they are to follow so they can be a God-centered community.
3. This is a defining moment for the community of Israel and Moses presents them with a call to action. A call to make a choice to commit their lives to God and obey His commandments.
I know reading through the laws in the Old Testament can be the perfect cure for insomnia. But if you stop to consider some of them you’ll see that they are designed to protect the Israelites, prevent disease, and encourage healthy community and equality among the people.
The two verses I’ve chosen as the memory verses for the week talk about caring for the poor and offer good practices for us to follow in our own lives. I don’t think God ever intended for the disparity that exists among people and nations today.
He didn’t intend for a class system to exist. He didn’t intend for luxury condos to be built on one side of the street while people struggle to survive in slums and garbage dumps on the other. In fact in Deuteronomy chapters 14 and 15 He puts in place very specific laws to ensure wealth is distributed equally.
“At the end of every third year, gather the tithe from all your produce of that year and put it aside in storage. Keep it in reserve for the Levite who won't get any property or inheritance as you will, and for the foreigner, the orphan, and the widow who live in your neighborhood. That way they'll have plenty to eat and God, your God, will bless you in all your work. Deuteronomy 14:28-29 (The Message)
“There must be no poor people among you because God is going to bless you lavishly in this land that God, your God, is giving you as an inheritance, your very own land. But only if you listen obediently to the Voice of God, your God, diligently observing every commandment that I command you today.” Deuteronomy 15:4-5 (The Message)
Many of us truly are some of the richest people in the world. On any given day we may throw away more food than people in a developing country will see in a week. How can we ignore the plight of people who are marginalized and fighting for justice when God calls us to help the poor and be responsive to the needs of those around us?
I want to explore these thoughts in more detail in this week’s mid-week post, but for now I’ll leave you to consider your reactions to some statements that I believe are part of our problem...
Come back on Thursday, August 9, when we’ll explore this topic in more detail.
If you’d like to share some your thoughts about helping the poor please do so by clicking on “comments” below.
“Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. There will always be some in the land who are poor. That is why I am commanding you to share freely with the poor and with other Israelites (people) in need.” Deuteronomy 15:10-11